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English Stories and Anecdotes by L.A. Hill books collection




категория: УМК English Stories and Anecdotes
автор (author): L.A. Hill
издательство (publisher): Oxford, Longman
год (year): 1965-2008
язык (language): английский (English)
формат (format): PDF, MP3
Описание: Предлагаем Вашему вниманию подборку работ одного из самых уважаемых авторов учебных пособий по английскому языку L. A. Hill. Он является пионером в использовании методик преподавания, основанных на юморе и шутках. Каждая история западает в память и оставляет след в душе ученика. Помимо анекдотов и смешных рассказов, в пособия присутсвуют упражнения и задания. Также, большинство книг серий комплектуется аудиоприложениями.

Stories for reproduction - Oxford University Press 2008 - Short anecdotes for oral or written retelling. The books in these two graded series train students to reproduce material they have listened to or read. Each book contains short, amusing anecdotes, followed by a set of comprehension questions on the passage. Each book contains a complete wordlist at the back. Audio are available for use with all the books.

Anecdotes in American English, Oxford University Press 1980 - is a series of three readers for students of English as a Second or Foreign Language. This book is designed to give students practice in reading and understanding American English in context. Elementary Anecdotes in American English contains thirty humorous stories, each approximately 150 words in length. Every story is followed by reading comprehension questions and two vocabulary exercises. The stories and exercises are written at Dr. L. A. Hill's 1000 word level. The complete American English word list is given in Appendix A, pages 62- 66. Occasionally, one or more words that fall outside the author's list are introduced into a story. These words are listed after the story as Outside the J0O0 words. The teacher can then explain these words in class or have the students look them up in a dictionary before reading the story. Certain technical words are also introduced in the exercises as part of the language of directions. These words are set, blank space, puzzle, bracket, and correct order. The students should be informed of the meaning of these words within the context of the exercises in which they occur.

This L.A. Hill series, Steps to Understanding, Oxford University Press 2008, is a development from the highly successful approach used in Stories for Reproduction. The all new stories are accompanied by a variety of exercises, as before; but in this series, there is a greater emphasis on comprehension work. There are true/false questions, to be used as a quick check on understanding, as well as "thinking questions that require the student to work more creatively. Stories to help students' reading and listening comprehension.

Stories for Reading Comprehension - Longman 1985 - This is a three-stage reading comprehension series intended for students from elementary to intermediate level. It is written within the framework of the Longman Structural Readers grading scheme and each unit begins with an illustrated reading passage followed by comprehension exercises.

More Funny Stories - Oxford Graded Readers, 1988 - These books, attractively illustrated throughout in four colours, provide lively and interesting reading for both classroom and individual use. Vocabulary and structures are graded, following the scheme developed by L. A. Hill, and the readers are grouped in four stages at the 500, 750, 1000 and 1500 headword levels. Each stage contains two levels of interest, Junior and Senior, to give a variety of content and to appeal to readers of different ages.

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