Happy Trails National Geographic english course all levels Download for free

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Happy Trails by National Geographic
курс английского языка для начальной школы




категория: УМК Happy Trails
автор (author): Jennifer Heath
издательство (publisher): National Geographic, Cengage Learning
год (year): 2010
язык (language): английский (english)
формат (format): PDF, MP3
Описание: Happy Trails - двухуровневый курс английского языка для учащихся начальной школы. Веселые персонажи, такие как панда, леопард и сурикат научат читать, писать, слушать и говорить в интересной игровой форме. Все задания тщательно подобраны с учетом возраста и интересна детей, чтобы изучать язык было весело и интересно. учебник содержит веселые истории, фотографии и картинки, интересные факты об окружающем мире благодаря материалам National Geographic. Также курс содержит большое количество практических заданий и упражнений. Учебник содержит 12 уроков, 4 раздела для повторения и, в конце учебника, игры и интересные задания с наклейками. В комплекте прилагается CD диск с песнями.

Happy Trails is a two-level English course for young learners. It teaches reading, listening, speaking and writing in a carefully graded way enabling pupils to develop their English skills successfully and confidently. The course entertains young learners through fun stories, breathtaking images and fascinating facts about the world around them inspired by National Geographic content. A variety of lesson and task types are used to motivate young learners. The course also uses spectacular National Geographic photography which has been carefully chosen to appeal to young learners.

Happy Trails Pupil’s Book consists of an Introduction section, twelve units, four review sections and, at the back of the book, plays, celebration lessons, character masks and stickers.

Happy Trails Activity Book accompanies Pupil’s Book. Like the pupil’s book, it consists of an introduction section, twelve units and four reviews. It recycles and consolidates the content of the pupil’s book through easy-to-understand tasks which pupils can complete on their own. Activities include crosswords with picture clues, spell checks, word banks and picture-based tasks. At the back of the activity book, there are twelve wordsearches; one for each unit, for further practice of key vocabulary.

The Teacher’s Book offers practical step-by-step instructions on how to approach the lessons and reviews, guidance on how to put on the plays and deal with the celebration lessons in the pupil’s book. It also contains photocopiable DVD worksheets, templates for the craft activities, four progress tests and the keys to the progress tests and Happy Trails Activity Book.

The class audio CDs contain the recordings of the cartoon stories, the listening tasks, the Say it! pronunciation tasks, the songs and the plays found in Pupil’s Book.

The CD-ROM is designed to recycle vocabulary and grammar from each unit of the pupil’s book in an enjoyable way. There is also an introduction section that allows pupils to consolidate the alphabet, colours and numbers they learnt at the beginning of the pupil’s book, and games that increase pupils’ motivation for what they are learning. The CD-ROM is compatible with both PCs and Macs.

The DVD contains animation of the cartoon stories contained in Lesson 1s in the pupil’s book. The stories are brought to life and pupils will enjoy watching each story unfold as they progress through the course. There are photocopiable worksheets in Teacher’s Book for classroom use with the DVD that will aid pupils’ comprehension.

Interactive Whiteboard contains the Pupil’s Book, including the audio material, the DVD and the educational posters from the teacher’s resource pack. Most of the tasks found in the Pupil’s Book are interactive and easy to use by both pupils and teachers alike. Justification for reading comprehension and listening tasks is available at the touch of a button, as is the key to all tasks. The DVD can be played with or without subtitles and the song lyrics change colour as they are sung to make it easier for pupils to sing along. Happy Trails Interactive Whiteboard Software is compatible with any interactive whiteboard hardware.

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