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Gold and Gold Experience by Longman Pearson - English courses for Cambridge exams to teens




категория: УМК Gold Longman Pearson
автор (author): Jan Bell, Amanda Thomas, Sally Burgess, Lynda Edwards, Jon Naunton, Jacky Newbrook, Clare Walsh, Lindsay Warwick and Judith Wilson
издательство (publisher): Longman Pearson
год (year): 2014-2021
язык (language): английский (British English)
формат (format): PDF, Mp3, AVI, Doc, PPT
Описание: Gold Experience 2nd Edition - этот уникальный 8-уровневый экзаменационный курс для подростков плавно переводит учащихся от новичка до продвинутого уровня. Это самый увлекательный опыт преподавания кембриджских экзаменов подросткам. Курс предлагает различные способы преподавания и обучения для создания идеального соответствия для целого ряда сценариев - для коротких и длительных экзаменационных курсов, для интенсивных и расширенных целей подготовки к экзаменам, от очного обучения до полностью интерактивного преподавания и обучения. Контент, ориентированный на экзамены, умело встроен в мотивирующий поток уроков.
Gold New Edition использует тот же подход, что и предыдущие выпуски, но был пересмотрен и обновлен после обширных исследований с пользователями по всему миру. Это помогает учителям проводить стимулирующие уроки, насыщенные дискуссиями, с целенаправленной подготовкой к экзаменам. На каждом уровне серии делается упор на коммуникативную практику и развитие естественных речевых навыков для повышения уверенности учащихся перед экзаменами и не только.

Gold New Edition follows the same approach as previous editions but has been revised and updated following extensive research with users throughout the world. It helps teachers to deliver stimulating, discussion-rich lessons with focused exam preparation. Each level of the series offers a strong emphasis on communicative practice and the development of natural speaking skills to build student confidence for exams and beyond.

With Gold, students develop natural English while learning the skills they will need to really excel in their exam. Gold makes it easy to teach light, fun classes with stimulating, discussion-rich lessons together with lots of personalisation.
Gold B2 First New Edition helps teachers to deliver stimulating, discussion-rich lessons with lots of personalisation. There is a strong emphasis on communicative practice and the development of natural speaking skills to build student confidence.
Each unit in Gold B2 First New Edition contains practice for all papers of the Cambridge English Qualifications B2 First exam, and every lesson includes an integrated range of skills with plenty of discussion. The material is divided into lessons on spreads or pages each with a carefully structured progression through a variety of activities including individual, pair, and whole-class work.
Gold B2 First New Edition ensures that both teachers and students know what to expect in the exam and how to deal with each part effectively, thanks to the carefully staged exam tasks and comprehensive Exam Focus section detailing strategies for every part of the exam, extra tips with exam tasks as well as a complete Cambridge English Qualifications B2 First Practice Test.
Gold B2 First New Edition digital components include eText for students, Active Teach IWB software, MyEnglishLab, and downloadable teacher’s resources including the Testmaster, Photocopiable Worksheets and all Coursebook and Exam Maximiser audio and video.

Gold Experience 2nd Edition - This unique 8-level exam course for teenagers takes the learners smoothly from beginner up to advanced level. It's the most engaging experience in teaching Cambridge exams to teens. Course offers different teaching and learning paths to create a perfect fit for a range of scenarios – for short and long exam courses, for intensive to extensive exam preparation goals, from face-to face learning to fully online teaching and learning contexts. Exam-focused content is skilfully built into a motivating lesson flow. Teenagers can gradually build the language, exam skills and confidence they need to succeed in the Cambridge exams, and in their future lives. Exam preparation follows current specifications for Cambridge English Qualifications for Schools, preparing students to succeed at A2 Key, B1 Preliminary, B2 First and C1 Advanced exams. The fresh appealing design, and dynamic mix of written, audio, video and digital content, engages teenagers in topics relevant to their own lives and encourages meaningful communication.

The comprehensive and well-balanced language syllabus features plenty of authentic audio and video content to help teenage students experience and practice "real life" English in context. Through engaging video tasks, Speak Up discussion activities and project work, teenagers develop the 21st century skills they will need later in life and their future careers. Independent Learning activities push students to actively engage with their learning and take responsibility for their progress.

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