Longman Focus on Grammar Introductory Basic Intermediate hi-intermediate advanced Download for free

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Longman Focus on Grammar
учебники грамматики английского языка




категория: грамматика Focus on Grammar
автор (author): Jay Maurer, Irene E. Schoenberg, Marjorie Fuchs, Margaret Bonner, Miriam Westheimer
издательство (publisher): Longman Pearson
год (year): 1998-2017
язык (language): английский (english)
формат (format): PDF, CD-Exe (NRG), DJVU, PPS
Longman Focus on Grammar это пятиуровневый курс грамматики английского языка, где в основу изложения материала положен согласованный подход из четырёх ступеней, позволяющий обучающимся проще усваивать сложные аспекты грамматики, а преподавателям - объяснять и закреплять материал с меньшими затратами усилий.

В каждом тексте основного курса присутствуют такие элементы как: Grammar in Context, Grammar Presentation, Focused Practice, and Communication Practice.

Курс состоит из 5 уровней:

  • Focus on Grammar 1 - Introductory
  • Focus on Grammar 2 - Basic
  • Focus on Grammar 3 - Intermediate
  • Focus on Grammar 4 - Hi-Intermediate
  • Focus on Grammar 4 - Advanced

Серия выдержала уже четыре издания, на этой странице мы будем постепенно выкладывать ссылки на компоненты всех изданий.

Known for its focus on English grammar through contextualized listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities, this lively integrated skills course helps students bridge the gap between comprehending grammatical structures and actually using them.

Centered on thematic instruction, Focus on Grammar combines controlled and communicative practice in a consistent approach that’s a proven success among students at all levels. Each unit progresses through four steps: Grammar in Context, Grammar Presentation, Focused Practice, and Communication Practice, using a new color-coded format that makes the program easy for students to understand - and for teachers to implement.

Each Student Book Features:

  • Clear presentations and charts that make grammar easy to learn.
  • Creative activities that stimulate communication.
  • New high-interest readings that are rich in content.
  • From Grammar to Writingsections that build composition skills.
  • Review Tests to confirm progress and improve scores on standardized tests.
  • New Internet activities for individual, pair, or group work.
  • New full-color pages that engage students in every activity.


  • Workbooks offer a wealth of additional exercises.
  • Audio CDs provide opportunities for both task-based and extended listening.
  • CD-ROM software features contextualized, interactive activities for listening, reading, and writing practice.
  • Teacher’s Manual includes numerous teaching tips, audioscripts for all recorded exercises, and a CD-ROM with PowerPoint presentations and blackline masters. Also includes Student Book Answer Key.
  • New Assessment Package for each level features:
    • placement, diagnostic, and achievement tests
    • audio CD with scripts
    • test-generating software with thousands of items to create class-appropriate tests
    • grammar proficiency tests developed by Educational Testing Service (for levels 4 and 5)
  • Transparencies of all grammar charts in the Student Books help instructors point out important patterns and structures.
  • Test-generating CD-ROM allows teachers to create and customize tests quickly and easily, and is available alone or in the Assessment Package.
  • Companion Website provides students with grammar practice in new contexts through web-based exercises.

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Focus on Grammar Second Edition:

Focus on Grammar Third Edition:

Focus on Grammar Fourth Edition:

  • Focus on Grammar 4th Edition 3 Student's book
  • Focus on Grammar 4th Edition 3 Workbook
  • Focus on Grammar 4th Edition 3 Audio
  • Focus on Grammar 4th Edition 4 Student's book
  • Focus on Grammar 4th Edition 4 Workbook
  • Focus on Grammar 4th Edition 4 Audio
  • Focus on Grammar 4th Edition 5 Student's book
  • Focus on Grammar 4th Edition 5 Workbook
  • Focus on Grammar 4th Edition 5 Audio

Focus on Grammar Fifth Edition:

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