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FairyLand by Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans
Интерактивный курс английского языка для детей




категория: УМК английского языка fairyland
автор (author): Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans
издательство (publisher): Express Publishing
год (year): 2010-2015
язык (language): английский (english)
формат (format): PDF, MP3, CD-EXE, DVD, Jpg
Описание: Fairyland это курс для дошкольников и младших школьников. Ученики входят в мир фантазий и приключений, где веселые герои помогают изучать английский язык.
Fairyland Starter по наполнению соответствует Fairyland 1, но предлагает задания на развитие навыков чтения и письма.

Основные характеристики:
Интересные волшебные истории
Презентация лексики яркими карточками и плакатами
Веселые песни и стихи
Практика всех четырех навыков
Поделки, творческие проекты и портфолио
Активное использование изученной лексики и грамматики
Полноцветная рабочая тектрадь (Activity Book)
Подробная книга для учителя включает страницы учебника (Pupil's Book)
Дополнительные ресурсы для учителя (Teacher's Resource Pack)
Плакаты и карточки
Aудио CD и анимированные DVD диски
учебники серии Фейрилэнд рекомендованы министерством образования и науки Украины к использованию в средних учебных заведениях.

Fairyland is a new course at primary level. Young learners enter a world of fantasy and adventure where learning becomes a memorable and rewarding experience!

Fairyland 1 provides a safe and stable environment where young learners can explore their creativity. Its main focus is on listening and speaking skills, while at the same time it develops young learners’ motor skills through pre-reading and pre-writing activities.

Fairyland Starter is a variation of Fairyland 1 with a gentle introduction to reading and writing in addition to the existing listening and speaking practice. Fairyland Starter also includes the teaching of the English alphabet.

In Fairyland 2 young learners continue the magical journey into the English language. It provides carefully selected activities in all four skills that engage learner’s minds and help them communicate in the target language.

In Fairyland 3 & 4 the pupils are reunited with the magical creatures in the Magic forest along with a group of four children. The Pupil´s Book and the Activity Book are designed to be covered in approximately 70 to 80 hours of classroom work. Join us and feel the magic!

Key Features
- interesting dialogues with a touch of magic
- presentation of vocabulary through colour flashcards and posters
- lively songs and chants
- gentle practice of all four skills
- craftwork, projects and guided writing skills
- consolidation of vocabulary and grammar
- revision and evaluation at the end of each module (for Fairyland 3 & 4)
- a look at life in English-speaking countries (for Fairyland 3 & 4)
- cross-curricular sections (for Fairyland 3 & 4)
- Activity Book in full colour
- short plays in the Activity Book to consolidate language in a magical way (for Fairyland 3 & 4)
- step-by-step interleaved Teacher´s Book
- Teacher´s Resource Pack with reinforcement and extension activities
- posters and flashcards
- fully dramatised CDs and animated videos/DVDs
- puppets and puppet theatre (for Fairyland 3 & 4)

In Fairyland 5 & 6 the characters are given special powers by their magic friends in order to help the world around them. ELF, an electronic life force, joins them in their quest.

Key Features
- captivating dialogues that motivate and intrigue students
- catchy songs and chants
- inspiring texts and contextualised activities that promote values and active learning
- cross-curricular & cross-cultural sections
- green sections, promoting respect for the environment
- Myths & Legends: a fascinated section where learners immerse in a world of fantasy & mystery
- cartoon strips to promote reading for pleasure
- Activity Book in full colour
- all-inclusive, easy-to-use Teacher´s Book (interleaved)
- Teacher´s Resource Pack with reinforcement and extension activities
- fully dramatised CDs and animated DVDs
- Interactive Whiteboard Software engaging students and sustaining their motivation

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