Оксфордский English Time - это шестиуровневый коммуникативный курс американского английского языка для учеников начальной школы, который развивает навыки речи, аудирования, чтения и письма, в то время как дети развлекаются с помощью интерактивных иллюстраций, увлекательных историй и разнообразных занятий. |
English Time is a six-level communicative course that develops students' speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills, while they have fun! Packed with pictures, stories, and activities.
With interactive illustrations, captivating stories and a wide variety of activities, English Time offers you great lessons around the clock.
Each engaging illustration contains hidden objects for your students to find, so learning new language and grammar is exciting and fun.
Plus, the wide variety of activities appeal to every child, no matter what their learning style.
Use English Time on its own or combine it with Magic Time to create an appealing eight-level course.
Parents tell us that "English Time makes learning the language fun," and with stunning pictures, captivating stories, and opportunities for 'real-life' communication it's no wonder.
English Time develops your students' speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills through art, stories, conversation, and games. The wide range of activities appeal to every child, no matter what their learning style.
'Conversation Time' gives your students the opportunity to produce language in a way that resembles 'real life' communication. 'Practise Time' and 'Review Time' enable them to practise this skill further through fun pair-work and group activities.
The stunning scenes in the Student Book, beautiful storybooks, wall charts, and picture and word cards, captivate children, particularly visual learners, and help them to explore new language in a fun and stimulating way.
Each interactive picture is accompanied by challenges for your students to complete, such as finding the hidden objects. This helps them to engage with the new material so they remember the target vocabulary and grammar more easily.
What's more, regular reviews with cartoon-like stories and checklists with 'I can' statements give students and parents the opportunity to monitor their progress while the Teacher's Book has individual unit, midterm, and final tests.
Key Features:
- Uses multiple intelligence strategies
- New vocabulary is introduced through colourful full-page scenes
- Units' themes provide a context for the language e.g. at home
- Short units build students' confidence
- Wide range of exciting resources such as colourful Wall Charts (enlarged versions of Conversation Time and Word Time pages) and Storybooks
- Continuing characters maintain student interest and involvement
- Conversation Time creates 'real-life' communication.
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