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Compass by Richmond - American English Course for elementary school |
категория: английский язык для детей |
автор (author): Dale Anderson, Robert Quinn, Martyn Hobbs, Julia Starr Keddle, Carolyn Barraclough, Claire Thacker, Noelle Child |
издательство (publisher): Richmond |
год (year): 2018 |
язык (language): английский (american english) |
формат (format): PDF, Mp3, Mp4 |
Compass by Richmond — это совершенно новая 6-уровневая программа по языковому искусству для начальной школы, специально написанная для использования в странах, где английский не является официальным языком. Ее модульная и гибкая организация компонентов предлагает учителям и ученикам уникальный опыт изучения языка, который повысит культурную осведомленность учеников и будет способствовать развитию их навыков мышления. Представляя уникальное сочетание методик и стандартов ESL и EFL, Compass становится программой по языковому искусству, которую ученики с удовольствием будут использовать для осмысленного изучения языка и тщательной подготовки к сдаче любого международного языкового экзамена. |
Compass by Richmond is a brand new 6-level elementary school language arts program specially written to be used in countries where English is not the official language. Its modular and flexible organization of components offers teachers and students a distinct language learning experience that would increase students’ cultural awareness and foster their development of thinking skills.
Presenting a unique blend of ESL and EFL methodologies and standards, Compass becomes the language arts program students will love using to meaningfully learn the language and carefully prepare themselves to sit for any international language examination.
With the Language Log, students follow a comprehensive thinking-, content-, and skills-based curriculum. They discuss nine Big Questions a year, exploring fiction and non-fiction sources, and learn explicit grammar and vocabulary in a methodical, competency-based CEFR approach to the four skills. At the end of each topic, students do an extended project to apply their new knowledge, and rethink their previous answers to the Big Question. In earlier levels, the topic questions are more concrete, becoming more complex and abstract as the levels progress.
With Compass students will:
- thoroughly develop communicative skills.
- reinforce learning with manipulatives for open-ended activities like retelling stories and posing questions.
- become highly strategic learners.
- increase their world cultural awareness.
- enhance their critical thinking.
- have multiple opportunities to practice the language with the books and on the platform.
- work at different language levels online.
- be exposed to a wide range of texts and genres to become avid readers.
- improve their writing skills.
- prepare themselves for Cambridge YLE, KET for Schools and PET for schools examinations.
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