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Cambridge Pippa and Pop - Pre-Primary English Course




категория: УМК - английский для детей Cambridge Pippa and Pop
автор (author): Caroline Nixon, Michael Tomlinson, Colin Sage
издательство (publisher): Cambridge University Press
год (year): 2022
язык (language): Британский и американский английский (British and American English)
формат (format): PDF, MP3, mp4, DVD-EXE
Описание: Pippa and Pop - Пиппа и Поп - мир историй и игр, знакомящий детей дошкольного возраста с жизненными компетенциями и навыками обучения. Загляните в семейный книжный магазин Дэна и Ким и откройте для себя чудесный миниатюрный мир их игрушечных мышей Пиппы и Попа! Этот трехуровневый курс английского языка для дошкольников стимулирует воображение и воспитывает любовь к историям, песням и стишкам, помогая самым маленьким ученикам приобрести навыки раннего возраста. Курс развивает ранние навыки грамотности, закладывает основы независимости посредством мероприятий «Обучение обучению», подкрепленных Кембриджской структурой жизненных компетенций, а также развивает ранние творческие, критические и коммуникативные навыки посредством управляемой игры. Благодаря постепенному освоению счета, букв и звуков, увлекательным проектам, междисциплинарным урокам и акценту на ценностях, «Пиппа и Поп» — это идеальное начало приключений в изучении английского языка!
Pippa and Pop - world of stories and play introducing pre-school children to life competencies and learning skills. Peep inside Dan and Kim’s family bookshop and discover the marvellous miniature world of their toy mice, Pippa and Pop! This three-level pre-primary English course will stimulate the imagination and foster a love of stories, songs and rhymes, helping very young learners to acquire early life competencies. The course develops early literacy skills, builds the foundations for independence through Learning to Learn activities, underpinned by the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework, and develops early creative, critical and communication skills through guided play. With a gradual introduction to numeracy, letters and sounds, exciting projects, cross-curricular lessons and a focus on values, Pippa and Pop is the perfect start to the adventure of learning English!
The Pupil’s Book features 9 units with 12 lessons per unit, with stickers at the back of the book. The course utilises guided play to develop early creative, critical and communication skills. It includes an access code to the Digital Pack which brings all the course audio and video for learners and parents to enjoy at home through Cambridge One.
The Activity Book is a write-in book, and it is also where many of the Learning to Learn activities are included, like self-evaluation pages. There are also stickers in the back of the book for completing some of the activities. An optional component with 6 extra pages of practice per unit to work with letters and numbers.
The Teacher’s Book with Digital Pack includes an access code inside the front cover. This unlocks the wonderful Presentation Plus and wealth of other resources to download, including festival worksheets and self-assessment, letters to parents, mini flash and word cards.
Big Books include all the literature stories in a large format (A3). The digital version of the Big Book in Presentation Plus has the option to show the stories with and without the text.
Flashcards show the series characters and all the core vocabulary in every unit, with a description of the picture in the footer. The digital flashcards in Presentation Plus offer the audio and an option to show written words describing the flashcards.
Posters are large format and a great way focus students’ attention and regularly practice numbers, letters, days of the week and other vocabulary. There are 7 posters in every level. There are teaching ideas included in the footer of every poster.

Key Features:

- Friendly characters and their adventures will delight this age group.
- Learning to Learn activities, underpinned by the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework, build foundations for independent learning.
- Guided play activities and games create space for children to develop creative thinking and communication competencies.
- Children's literature, literacy tips, sounds and letters lessons all provide a gentle introduction to early literacy skills and writing..
- Digital Pack for Teachers on Cambridge One brings all the teaching materials, including interactive activities, animations and routine boards in one place that is easy to access from any device.

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