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Boost! Longman Integrated Skills Series
Reading, Listening, Writing, Speaking, Grammar, Vocabulary




категория: пособия по английскому языку Boost Longman
автор (author): Jason Renshaw, Laura Miller
издательство (publisher): Longman Pearson
год (year): 2012
язык (language): английский (english)
формат (format): PDF, Mp3
Описание: Longman Integrated Skills Series - серия пособий для тренировки ключевых навыков владения английским языком для средней и старшей школы. Курс состоит из четырех уровней. Каждому навыку посвящен отдельный ряд пособий.

Boost! covers all skills comprehensively across the five courses and is tightly-leveled across the four levels ensuring a smooth and steady progression for students and teachers.

Boost! Grammar is a 4-level series for junior learners, that focuses on building grammar skills through three-stages of practice and integrated skills activities.

Key Features:
- Age-appropriate and cross-cultural topics
- In-depth presentation of grammar skills with test-correlated practice
- Integrated skills practice is included at the end of each unit
- Each book includes an audio CD and 48-page Practice Book

Boost! Listening is part of a 4-level series for junior learners, that develops listening skills like note-taking, prediction, and comprehension.

Key Features:
- Age-appropriate and cross-cultural topics
- A wide variety of listening passages including dialogs, interviews, radio programs and lectures
- Integrated skills practice is included at the end of each unit
- Each book includes an audio CD

Boost! Reading is part of a 4-level series for junior learners, that helps students build vocabulary while developing effective reading skills.

Key Features:
- Age-appropriate and cross-cultural topics
- A wide variety of text types (academic readings, reports, email messages, newspaper articles, etc.)
- Integrated skills practice is included at the end of each unit
- Each book includes an audio CD

Boost! Speaking is part of a 4-level series for junior learners, that develops functional speaking skills like clarification, explanation, description and persuasion.

Key Features:
- Age-appropriate and cross-cultural topics
- A variety of dialogs and speeches for formal and informal speaking
- Pronunciation practice on sounds and stress patterns
- Each book includes an audio CD

Boost! Vocabulary is 4-level series that helps junior learners build vocabulary. Each book contains a Word Booster to help students practice and remember new vocabulary and age-appropriate topics to develop critical thinking and increase motivation.

Key Features:
- Age-appropriate and cross-cultural topics
- In-depth presentation of grammar skills with test-correlated practice
- Integrated skills practice is included at the end of each unit
- Each book includes an audio CD and a 44-page Word Booster

Boost! Writing is a 4-level series for junior learners, that uses clear models and simple writing activities to develop effective writing skills.

Key Features:
- Age-appropriate and cross-cultural topics
- Writing practice that builds from sentences and paragraphs to full length passages
- Integrated skills practice is included at the end of each unit
- Each book includes an audio CD.

Внимание! Ознакомьтесь, пожалуйста, с инструкцией и правилами

  • Longman Boost! Grammar 3 Students book
  • Longman Boost! Grammar 3 Audio CD
  • Longman Boost! Grammar 3 Teachers book
  • Longman Boost! Grammar 3 Practice book
  • Longman Boost! Grammar 4 Students book
  • Longman Boost! Grammar 4 Audio CD
  • Longman Boost! Grammar 4 Teachers book
  • Longman Boost! Grammar 4 Practice book
  • Longman Boost! Listening 4 Students book
  • Longman Boost! Listening 4 Audio CD
  • Longman Boost! Listening 4 Teachers book
  • Longman Boost! Speaking 2 Students book
  • Longman Boost! Speaking 2 Audio CD
  • Longman Boost! Speaking 2 Teachers book

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