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Beep by Richmond
American English Course for Primary School Children




категория: английский язык для детей Beep Richmond
автор (author): Brendan Dunne, Robin Newton
издательство (publisher): Richmond
год (year): 2014
язык (language): американский английский (American english)
формат (format): PDF, Mp3, Mp3, DVD-EXE
Описание: Beep от издательства Ричмонд – это шестиступенчатая серия американского английского языка для детей младшего школьного возраста. Курс основан на принципе, что все ситуации изучения языка должны быть значимыми и соответствовать собственным мирам учеников, реальным или воображаемым. Учащиеся привносят в класс различные способности и опыт и учатся с разной скоростью, поэтому их активно поощряют поддерживать друг друга и сотрудничать через парную и групповую работу, чтобы позволить каждому участвовать, независимо от их уровня. Широкий спектр мероприятий, таких как опросы, анкеты и персонализированное письмо, привносит жизнь детей в класс, в то время как песни, песнопения, ролевые игры, истории, игры и скороговорки отвечают разным стилям обучения и интеллекту, помогая детям развивать разные компетенции..

Beep by Richmond is based on the principle that all language-learning situations should be meaningful and relevant to the students’ own worlds, real or imaginary. Students bring diverse abilities and experiences to the classroom and learn at different rates, so they are actively encouraged to support each other and cooperate through pair and group work, to allow everyone to participate, whatever their level. A wide variety of activities like surveys, questionnaires and personalized writing brings children’s lives into the classroom, while songs, chants, role plays, stories, games and tongue twisters cater to different learning styles and intelligences, helping children develop different competences.

The Student’s Book and Activity Book combo is divided into eight units, following the sequence set out below. Literacy development plays a central role, with a broad range of text-based activities to establish and strengthen literacy skills. The stories in lessons 4 and 7 are a main focus of each unit, with exciting or funny plotlines and appealing characters to engage children in the narrative – and most importantly, they act as a vehicle for introducing or recycling core language, providing clear language models and making contexts meaningful.
Interleaved Teacher’s Book - gives you step-by-step instructions for presenting each lesson, including Activity Book pages and Evaluations. From boxes summarizing Objectives, Target Language and Materials, through the Getting Started activity, to Finishing Up, we take into account answers and listening scripts, and also explain where to introduce the Flashcards, Posters, and other resources like Worksheets. In the book introduction, the indispensable Beep Activity Bank suggests plenty of ways to get the most out of these different resources, and we also cover background information on methodology and competences.
The students’ CD - contains recordings of all the stories, songs, chants, tongue twisters and listening exercises from the Student’s Book, and the Picture Dictionary tracks from the Activity Book section. Letter-sound pronunciation in English is a big challenge, so the CD acts as an important pronunciation model for new language and phonics activities. Children can leave the CD at home, where they need it, and we encourage parents to get involved and listen together with their children
The Playing Cards in levels 1-4) are mini-versions of the Flashcards, for children to use in review games. In levels 1-2, they come with Stickers, which the children use to complete some of the Student’s Book activities
The Class Audio contains recordings of all the stories, songs, chants, and listening activities, as well as the Picture Dictionary tracks from the Activity Book section. The Resource CD has photocopiable Phonics Worksheets, and Tests and answer keys for every level, and in levels 1-4, photocopiable Arts & Crafts activities and Playing Cards, too. In levels 5 and 6, the additional resources are photocopiable Language Worksheets.
The Posters are double-sided. They present the key unit vocabulary in a scene, for context, and the unit tongue twister. In levels 1 and 2, the other side features the Beep’s World! story, and levels 3-6 show the unit Review pages in poster size, encouraging whole class activities. In addition, levels 3 and 4 have cutout vocabulary speech bubbles to display in class or use in games, while levels 5 and 6 also have grammar posters to help students review the new unit grammar. Your Teacher’s Book explains how to use the Posters.

With Beep students will:

- explore different curriculum areas through CLIL lessons
- focus on phonics and specific letter-sound relationships with audio pronunciation models, comic strips, tongue twisters and Phonics Worksheets.
- learn to empathize and identify with characters, develop reading and writing skills, and improve linguistic competence through stories and Literacy lessons.
- support and encourage each other in pair and group work.
- make creative crafts to consolidate concepts.

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